Young Mates Music Player
Young Mates Music player magazine
Article Title
Cheap Trick - Tom Peterson
Young Mates Music Player
No. 152
April 30, 1980
20-23, 38-39
Young Mates Music Player Magazine was established in 1968 and is still in operation. The focus of the articles tends to be on the individual players rather than the bands.
This issue includes photos of Tom Petersson with both the Hamer Quad 12-String bass as well as a Hamer B12A. His photo is on the front cover.
We don’t read Japanese but, given this defiant pose, we’re pretty sure that Tom had just sung something like, “The hills are alive with the sound of music…”
Young Mates Music player - December 1996
This issue includes an article about Tom Petersson’s touring basses. You can read the article here.