Bass Professor
Bass Professor magazine
Article Title
Bass Special - 12-Saiter Bässe
Bass Professor Magazine
No. 59
February, 2011
Bass Professor is the best selling bassist magazine in Germany, and for good reason: Tons of relevant content, great layout, and the photo selection and quality is absolutely first rate! In late 2010, BP editor Lars Lehmann approached us for some photos of cool 12-string basses to supplement the review of the Dean Rhapsody 12 that was going to be published. We we happy to help!
We were mentioned in the credits for this article. Thanks, Lars!
Bass Professor - Fall 2022 - Nr. 107
A Schecter DP-12 12-string bass is pictured in an article about Guitar Summit 2022, a guitar show held in Mannheim, Germany in September of 2022.
Bass Professor - Spring 2022 - Nr. 106
An interview with Tom Petersson of Cheap Trick includes a photo of him onstage with one of his Waterstone 12-string basses.
When Petersson is asked how many 12-string bass he owns he responds, “I prefer to play the Gretsch basses, and I own four of them. Then there are some from Chandler and of course I also have my models from Hamer. There are probably around ten basses in total - but I use the Gretsch basses most often.”
When Petersson was asked if he ever played an 8-string bass, Petersson stated, “No, I've never really played an 8-string.”
Editor’s Note
In actuality, Tom extensively played a variety of 8-string basses over the years, at least seven different instruments, both in the recording studio and live. An Alembic 8-string bass was used on stage for several years in the late 1970’s into 1980; Tom played it on the studio version of ‘Gonna Raise Hell’ and the live version of ‘Day Tripper’, plus it appeared in the video for ‘Voices’.
Top row: Gibson 8-string bass; Greco BK-1200 8-string bass; Hamer Thunderbird 8-string bass; Hamer Cruisebass 8-string bass. Bottom row: Alembic 8-string bass; Baz Cooper custom Explorer 8-string bass; Hagstrom 8-string bass (not Tom’s, but it was a Hagstrom that was the predecessor to the Hamer 10-string and 12-string basses).
Petersson played a red 1990 Hamer Thunderbird 8-string bass on the Concrete Blonde tour and used it on the song ‘Walkin' in London’. He also used this 8-string bass during Cheap Trick's 1990 Busted tour.
Tom Petersson playing a custom Explorer style 8-string bass built by Baz Cooper, on stage in Boise, Idaho.
The last time I saw Cheap Trick play in Boise, Idaho, Tom Petersson played an 8-string bass for the entire show (he didn’t play a 12-string bass on any song). This 8-string bass was custom built by Baz Cooper. Tom Petersson was also an endorsing artist for the Greco BK-1200 8-string bass.
Tom Petersson endorsement ad for the Greco BK-1200 8-string bass.