Welcome to the 12-String Bass Encyclopedia!
Hello everybody, and welcome!
We started this new site just as we started the original one - a small number of pages at first, then growing constantly. There were 35 pages when we started in 2003; some pages included only a single image, but that grew to 389 pages and thousands of photos. This site is much bigger - over 635 pages as of today and growing larger each week.
The original site did a good job at presenting the ‘meat and potatoes’ about the 12-string bass. With this site we’re going to add some spices and gravy - behind-the-scenes stories, gossip, opinions, maybe even some scandalous libel and slander. All in good fun, of course. That’s why we are calling this new site the “Encyclopedia of the 12-String Bass”. Our goal is to include everything you could ever possibly want to know about this amazing and challenging instrument, including all the weird little tangents, nooks and crannies we have discovered along the way.
As always, we encourage you to join in the fun! Send us your 12-string bass photos and information. Have you done any recording with your 12? We’ll include you in the Discography. Have any great 12ver stories? Send ‘em in! Sharing information benefits everyone.
Rock on!
So many 12’s, so little time…
The Origins of the 12-String Bass
It’s not quite so simple as some would have us believe…
Coin issued in Thailand for this site’s 5th Anniversary. You believe this is real, don’t you?
Thanks to everyone who has said nice things about us!
Philip and Surf exposed!
Surf pontificates about whatever he wants…
We have given away chests full of booty over the years, including 12-string basses!
All proceeds go to supporting this site and adding content.
Get Involved - Join Us in the 12-String Fun!
There are lots of ways to join in the 12-string bass madness!