12-String Bass Art
The first drawings of 12-string basses appeared very soon after the appearance of the first Hamer Quad Bass. While there are countless drawings of band members, only rarely will the instruments be accurately represented, the focus is typically on the faces of the musicians.
This front cover of the Japanese Cheap Trick fan magazine, Cheap Sweets, is the very first publication to prominently display a drawing of a 12-string bass. The fanzine seems to have been published for only a few months in 1978, being first published on March 21st of that year. This cover is from Issue 5. A competing magazine, Cheap Jack, appeared at almost exactly the same time, and perhaps the decision was made to combine the competing fan newsletters into a single publication.
The cover drawing shows a reasonably accurate representation of the Hamer Quad 12-string bass, which is being held by a Mona Lisa look-alike wearing Rick Nielsen’s baseball cap, while smoking Bun E. Carlos’ cigarette, and with Robin Zander’s hair.
This issue of Cheap Sweets (Vol. 1 No. 5) has an issue date of June 19, 1978, only a few months after Tom Petersson starting playing the 12-string bass in Cheap Trick’s live performances.
The fan magazine Cheap Jack featured Tom Petersson and the Hamer Quad 12-string bass on the front cover of Volume 6. Tom seems to have a headache, or perhaps he just remembered that he left the stove on. This drawing was based upon a 1978 photo from Japan’s Music Life Magazine.
Volume 13 of Cheap Jack includes a basic drawing of a Hamer 12-string bass on the cover.
A cartoon in Volume 6 also shows the Hamer Quad 12-string bass, although somehow all the band members’ noses are missing.
Starting in mid-1978, Cheap Jack was published for just one year with a total of 22 volumes published. The final volumes were quite small and were combined together into the last magazine published.
Fan-drawn cartoon published in Ongaku Senka, Vol. 2, 1978.
Drawing of Tom Petersson from Madcity Music Sheet magazine, Fall 1978. Drawing by Dana Derber.
Cartoon from Cheap Trick Newsletter! showing the Hamer Quad 12-string bass, Vol. 2, No. 1, November, 1980.
Cheap Trick - Busted Comic
To try to capitalize on the success achieved with Cheap Trick’s “Lap of Luxury” album, for the “Busted” album in 1990 Marvel Comics published this illustrated ‘history’ of how the band got together. It contains 8 pages of comics plus promotional hype and ads for Cheap Trick on the covers. Two panels in the comic show Tom Petersson playing his Hamer B12A.
Drawn by June Brigman and Ralph Cabrera.
Drawing of a 12-string bass said to have been made by Jeff Ament.
Drawing attributed to Jeff Ament
This drawing is claimed to have been made by Jeff Ament in 1991. Here is the story as told by the person looking to sell it: “November 14th, 1991. Pearl Jam played a now famous acoustic set at Tower Records in Yonkers, New York. After the show they sat down to sign autographs for the fans. During any free time, Jeff was doodling on the paper / plastic tablecloth with a sharpie. The result was a self portrait of himself, spinning a basketball, wearing a #10 (Mookie Blaylock) Jersey, and talking about his favorite bands. As they were leaving I asked Eddie to sign it (it’s on the basketball). Yes, looking back I should have had the other three sign it also. As they left, I took the tablecloth and it has been framed and hanging up ever since.”
Oddly enough, given the sizes and positions of the tuners, this 12-string bass would have been strung Inverted, which is a string arrangement that Jeff Ament has never played. The piece measures 30” by 30” and is said to be on a pure white background although it is toned in the photo.
While at first glance this doesn’t appear to be a 12-string bass, Lily Johnson did a great job capturing her dad’s 12 - and won a contest in the process!
Ron Johnson on stage with his Sea Foam Green Waterstone TP-2 12-string bass. The prize that Lily won was another 12-string bass for her dad!
Ron Johnson as a South Park character, with his Waterstone TP-2 12-string bass.
Pokemon and 12’s make a good combination? You bet! Drawn by Cheyenne Rowe.
A Hamer 12 and a surf board - Shaka Brah! Drawn by Cheyenne Rowe.
12-String Bass Paintings
Oil painting created by Monty Colvin in 2008; it was commissioned by this website for use as the cover art for the “Overkill Is Just Enough” 12-string bass compilation album. The painting measures 8” wide by 10” high and was painted on Masonite. The strings were drawn in with a silver sharpie, and the painting is signed by Colvin.
Print from artist Shannon MacDonald, it appeared in 2022. Shannon is most famous for her lifelike paintings of the members of The Beatles, plus has done art for Cheap Trick. Tom Petersson is shown with a Gretsch 12-string bass.